Common Indoor Garden Issues


Powdery Mildew

What is powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a common fungal that can infect many plants. When a plant in infected it has a white almost snow like appearance and can spread easily by the little spores.

Pictures below show the spores and infected plant.

Most cases cucurbits (melons/squash) and nightshades are most suspectible. In my current indoor garden it always seems to effect the squash and watermelon plants (at first).

How does it spread

Spores in the wind, which means it loves indoor garden as a easy place to spread in the fans. The fungi thrives in Dry Arid environments, 60-80°F and lower humidity. The lack of rain in a typical indoor garden makes a perfect spot for it to multiply.


Dusted leaves that look like they have been flour’d in a white dust.


Under the microscope you will see the spores as below









Baking soda diluted 1 tablespoon into 1 quart has been very effective and safe. Spray all plants effected thoroughly and remove any leaves that are too far gone. Below is after 1 application; the spores start to break down.

Find that 3 applications over 3 days seems to eradicate issues if you catch it early enough. The issue with indoor growing rooms is you have to wipe and sanitize all surfaces.

Treated plant leave from a watermelon plant.


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