Quick Start Fogoponics Guide

Walk through guide on setting up your first simple Fogoponics Aeroponic system. The design principles will be to create a low cost entry level system to get started and leverage mid-grade components.

Most of these competent will expand to a 6-12 plant grow or to fill a 4x4 tent.

This build will be a simple 2 plant design with 1 ultrasonic head mister; all in a single tote.

Bill of materials

IRIS Weather Tight X-Large 20.5-Gallon weathertight

Having gone through many storage bins for grow chamber; this was the only one that was waterproof and regularly performed without leaking. You can buy cheaper version but will typically have a puddles and drips around the lid. Good quality; the handles don't break after 4 uses and seems mostly waterproof.


the price and availability
The plastic is very hard and can shatter if miss-handled.
Had one tote that was malformed and wouldn’t fit a lid (out of 12, factory reject)

1 head ultrasonic mister (commercial)

The best ultrasonic mister i have found yet for the heavier duty cycle required for a fogoponics setup. Replaceable disks and fuse make this unit survive longer than 1 or 2 grows. Typically you want 1 to .5 disk per ultrasonic head. This beginner system assumes a 2 plant system.

3 inch netpots


Some of the tools you should have handy before starting the build. Sealant and Glue is always good to have on hand for any leaks or fittings issues.

Drill of choice

Sandpaper block 120/220 grit to de-rough the drill hole

2-3/4 Hole saw

Waterproof Epoxy

Waterproof Sealant


Reference Design


Simple single design


Proof of concept 2 chamber design





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