High Pressure Aeroponics Builds - HPA

High pressure Aeroponics (HPA)

The basic components in any HPA system will be

  • high pressure pump (100psi-250psi)

  • nozzles that can spray 50 microns or smaller

  • filter (otherwise nozzles constantly clog)

  • drain pump

  • Some type of cycle timer to control drain pump and high pressure pump

From there you can spend a lot more money automating and making the system more redundant, fancy, monitoring, etc…

Advanced HPA

Advanced Design leveraging a solenoid valve and accumulator tank; this is the more advanced system that somewhat resembles what a typical larger grower operation would run (scaled down to consumer level.)


Always run a pressure relief valve or burst valve in this system; bad solenoid can cause this system to explode.

Simple HPA

A simple design without the accumulator tank and solenoid valve; supports 10 nozzles max (in theory 10 plants). This system puts a lot more stress on pump; although have had good luck with mistking pump lasting 2-3 years in this system.

Still a true 100PSI HPA system that will get you the larger yields and faster growth rates associated with HPA.


The Build

Basic HPA

Barrel Design


The Light


Power controller


Root zone mist





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